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Adults Welcome!

When I started teaching the piano, I did not anticipate how many of my pupils would be adults. But I am delighted to have so many adults who want to learn to play. One such adult, Kayleigh has just completed her Grade 1 performance exam and her grades 1 & 2 theory of music exams and she has kindly agreed to explain how and when she has taken up playing the piano.

'I started learning to play the piano with Fiona in February 2022, at the age of 34! At the time I didn’t have a clue how to read music, so was throwing myself way out of my comfort zone, but Fiona immediately put me at ease.

Fiona is such a gentle, understanding teacher. She teaches the theory of music in such an amazing way that you’re able to learn much quicker than you could imagine, without getting overwhelmed. Just over 1.5 years later, I’m now on to Grade 3 already after achieved a Distinction for my theory at Grade 1 and 2. I absolutely love learning the piano with Fiona.

If you’re an adult beginner, like me, I can highly recommend having lessons with Fiona!'


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